A Story of Faith

Please join us in a story of faith:
Frank, one of our Lumen Mundi Sales Reps, was corresponding with one of our customers in the Pacific; she was recently in harm’s way from the Super Typhoon Yutu. Her story of faith and of commitment touched us, and I want to share it with our customers.
“Just to share with you that we just had a Super Typhoon pass by the Mariana Islands this early morning. We will be going back to regular condition in 10 minutes. We had to close yesterday and a couple hours this morning but now we’re back to normal. This Super Typhoon just passed over Saipan & Tinian; islands just north of us. Here on we barely got touched. Thank God, Mother Mary, all the angels & saints! We have been spared several times this year. Ever since our island was consecrated to the Blessed Mother in May or August, we’ve been feeling her protection. They took her statue on board an airplane and they flew around the island while we were praying the Holy Rosary. Glad I participated… Blessings…”
Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, and many other apparitions remind us of the remarkable intervention of the Blessed Mother. In this particular case, nature presented itself with all of its might and power, and was greatly influenced by the power of PRAYER. As Catholics, we are taught to believe in the unbelievable; however, as history has clearly presented to us many times over, the power of the Blessed Mother and our willingness to accept Her into our lives is paramount. Those who are true believers will be protected, as was the message to St. Catherine of Laboure.
As we read this woman's story, we were touched by the faith she had in the consecration and the protection of the Blessed Mother. By praying the rosary, made of glass, metal, wood or plastic (the material it is made of is irrelevant) we accept the Blessed Mother into our lives as our protector, and trust in her as we do in Christ. The apparition of the Divine Mercy teaches us to trust in Jesus; this impactful gesture is monumental in our Catholic Faith and letting the Blessed Mother into our lives and trusting in Her to shield us from the evil that sometimes exists in our world.
The message behind this story is that most people would have put up their shutters, prepared for the typhoon’s wrath, and done what most people do in times of danger. What is exemplary and heart-warming in this story is the initiative and faith that the people who got on that plane demonstrated in praying to the Blessed Mother to intercede, and to save them, and the Mariana Islands, from disaster. It also confirms that, with prayer, anything can be accomplished, and that the Blessed Mother will protect us; we just need to allow the Blessed Mother into our lives unconditionally with all our love, just as Jesus loves us.