The Ascension of Christ

“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Mathew 28:20.
When we think about Ascension, we think of Jesus leaving his disciples, but He says, “I AM with you…”. The Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorated by a feast day, usually Thursday in the Sixth Week of Easter. It’s also one of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Forty days after Christ astounded His Apostles and disciples by his resurrection, it was time for Him to return to His Father in heaven and pave the way to make that our true home. Jesus’ leaving should give us all comfort knowing that when He departs to be at His Father’s side, He does not leave us, rather He is always among us, in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
At Lumen Mundi, we rejoice with all on this Glorious Day. Let us all celebrate in the comfort, and joy that Jesus is not departed, but always here; always with us.
Yours in Christ,
Gabrielle and the Lumen Mundi Team